
Chapman, Neil ORCID logoORCID:, Hughes, Sarah, Stent, David, Pester, Holly and Davies, Angharad (2015) Vectors. In: Angharad Davies Rydal Mount. Compost and Height, West Dean, pp. 5-11. ISBN no isbn

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Abstract / Summary

Angharad Davies Rydal Mount
A text realisation by Neil Chapman, Holly Pester and David R J Stent

Rydal Mount presents the photographic score by Angharad Davies realised by three writers – Neil Chapman, Holly Pester and David R J Stent. Each has responded to the photographs, following instruction to use each as a stimulus for performance – in this case in the form of publication. The three contributions combine to form one realisation. The publication, initiated and edited by Sarah Hughes, is intended as a provocation to consider the boundaries of contemporary composition and the potential of its realisation in various media.

Item Type: Book Section
Additional Information: In recent decades writing has established a new status as art practice. The change is a manifestation of a broader transformation in which earlier imperatives of genre-purity have been reversed. Such politics of the image were developed before the admission of cinema alongside ‘beaux arts’ genres. While the erstwhile prohibition of narrative in art has been exposed as ideological and while storytelling is taken up once more both in art and philosophy, a potential normativity of storytelling can promote received ideas of the ‘human’ with regressive effects. This research finds that artists who embrace writing as practices can mount a critique of narrative in a new way. The research question in ‘Vectors’ is to ask: How can a form of writing originating in art be used to interrogate the anthropocentrism of storytelling? ‘Vectors’ develops a process of image-interrogation in which the conscious narratives inspired by image-viewing are framed as an impediment to thought. A more adequate image-encounter is one that glimpses in the image something beyond the human. The methodology involves a form of image-viewing analogous to that experienced with text when repetition evacuates words of meaning. As the collapse of language is accompanied by a proliferation of images, the so-called evacuation of meaning can be seen differently. The publication Rydal Mount sets up a dialogue between practitioners working in related but distinct disciplines. It inaugurates a discussion between Sarah Hughes (initiator and editor) Angharad Davies, whose ‘score’ is used as the instruction, David Stent, Neil Chapman and Holly Pester. The work has been disseminated through the publisher’s website and through inclusion at art-publishing fairs, such as FOMO: Falmouth Art Publishing Fair, organised by Falmouth School of Art staff, at which the publisher Compost & Height were present.
ISBN: no isbn
ISSN: n/a
Subjects: Writing & Journalism > Creative Writing
Arts > Fine Art
Writing & Journalism > Creative Writing > Storytelling
Writing & Journalism
Courses by Department: The Falmouth School of Art > Fine Art
Depositing User: Neil Chapman
Date Deposited: 19 Oct 2015 08:51
Last Modified: 11 Nov 2022 16:33


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