Interactive Work-table and Escritoire

Cleverly, Jason (2009) Interactive Work-table and Escritoire. [Artwork]

Item Type: Artwork
Creators: Cleverly, Jason
Abstract / Summary:

The project is an augmented recreation of Dr. Johnson’s writing desk; a combination of traditional media and digital technology. Johnson is largely remembered for his dictionary, the work gathering etymological information from widespread sources. Johnson’s creation of a work of such lasting lasting impact and importance informed the design of the situated interpretive, Interactive Work-table and Escritoire, thus inviting comparison with contemporary communicative phenomena:
1.Online search engines and databases notably rely on communal contributions for content.
2.The notion that language is in continuous and expansive evolution through ever-increasing linguistic subjectivities.
3.The decline of paper and pen and the simultaneity of growth in digital communications. The desk’s digital pen and customised proforma translate handwriting into text-based data. Visitors are encouraged to add words to an online dictionary. Interpreting and mining the emergent combination of the physical and digital the assembly is situated in the garret room where the original dictionary was compiled.

Official URL:
Date: 2009
Additional Information: Exhibition Catalogue:Peters, Tessa & West, Janice (eds), House of Words, Dr. Johnson’s House (pub) 2009 (ISBN 978-1-899284-08-5), PETER RIDE ‘Making transitions and connections – the affect of new media artwork in the museum.’, Tate Gallery symposium ‘Beyond the Academy: Research as Exhibition’ (Podcast), ‘Curious words and Public Definitions – Engaging Visitors in the Collaborative Creation of a Museum Exhibit,’ Patel M., Luff P., Heath C., Cleverly J., vom Lhen D, 2011., ‘Digital Engagement,’ 2011, Newcastle, UK, ‘Four steps in the history of museum technologies and visitors’ digital participation,’ MedieKultur, Journal of Media and Communication Research (ISSN 1901-9726), Journal of Modern Craft 3.2 review by Helen Carnac, The House of Words and Berg Publishers, July 2010, ISBN-13: 978-1847886712
Depositing User: Jason Cleverly
Date Deposited: 06 Dec 2013 14:20
Last Modified: 13 Oct 2017 16:02


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