In The Face of Death

Salkeld, Nicola ORCID logoORCID: and Rudolph, Ashley ORCID logoORCID: (2015) In The Face of Death. [Project]

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Abstract / Summary

In the face of death is about the creation of a meaningful graphic system of
symbols, which focus on ideas and beliefs at the end of life, (the moment at which
we die) and the consequences of that. Using the four immortality narratives as a
vehicle to establish systems; Elixir: staying alive, life extension stories; Resurrection:
life, death and rebirth, science, faith and fiction; The Soul: the non-material part of
the body that is ‘the real me’, and Legacy: cultural, genetic and meme.
_ begin to create dialogue and understanding to unhide death using design.
(critical context, research practice, design exploration, expression and production)
_ create a meaningful and applied visual language:
print, artefacts, digital and social media platforms
_ explore how this system could be applied to the bespoke design of personal
items, which, for example could act as amulets, talisman, memento mori,
ritualistic objects or personal memorials.
_ challenge existing formal conventions of death, which are predominantly
homogenized and inadequate in expressing complexities surrounding death
narratives and belief systems; (secular and non secular).
- document the research and design process, to exhibit, publish and
disseminate information.
- take part in a collaborative practice with students and staff from
Augsburg University of Applied Sciences and Falmouth University, School of
Communication Design, with a residential weeks in both institutions.

Item Type: Project
Additional Information: Funding for the project: Schoool of Communication Design RESEARCH AND INNOVATION INVESTMENT FUND SCHEME - ROUND 8 (FEB 15) Erasums Funding staff Mobility and Teaching EU
Subjects: Communication > Graphic Design
Courses by Department: The School of Communication > Graphic Design
Depositing User: Nicola Salkeld
Date Deposited: 03 Mar 2017 15:55
Last Modified: 23 Nov 2023 13:30

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