Austere cultures/cultures of austerity

Llinares, Dario, Philip, Fiona and Thompson, Zoë (2012) Austere cultures/cultures of austerity. Journal of European Popular Culture, 3 (1). pp. 3-7. ISSN 20406134

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Abstract / Summary

This editorial contextualises and introduces a series of articles that tackle arguably the most pertinent political and social phenomenon of the last 5 years: austerity. Commissioned by Dr Graeme Harper (Oakland University), a former AHRC council member, the editorial fronts a special edition of the Journal of European Popular Culture and comments upon the prevailing discourse of austerity and its dissemination as a shaping narrative across the entire cultural spectrum. The development of this special edition emerged from an international conference organised by myself with Dr Fiona Philip and Dr Zoë Thompson at Leeds Metropolitan University. The conference keynote speakers were Professor Griselda Pollock and Dr Rebecca Bramall who both then published articles in the journal. The editorial synthesises discussion points that emerged from the conference, on both an academic and political basis, for an interrogation of austerity that sought to break new by moving on from a purely economic question, to one of culture. The piece sets out a highly relevant and necessary framework for contemporary theoretical analysis when one thinks of the effect that forms of austerity have and are having not only on higher education as a whole, but on arts and humanities disciplines specifically. Indeed the editorial explores the increasing need for ‘cultural vigilance’ and a new academic politics of resistance, which is further amplified within the journal via a variety of social, cultural and pedagogical arguments. So, while placing the concept of austerity in historical and theoretical context this article is prescient and important because it explores and critiques the prevailing cultural zeitgeist and forwards possible dynamics of response.

Item Type: Article
Identification Number: 10.1386/jepc.3.1.3_2
ISSN: 20406134
Depositing User: Dario Llinares
Date Deposited: 06 Dec 2013 14:20
Last Modified: 13 Oct 2017 16:03


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