Stevens, Frankie ORCID: (2022) Abyssal Noise: Representations of Death and Dying in Extreme Metal Music. In: Embodying the Music and Death Nexus: Consolations, Salvations, Transformations. Emerald Interdisciplinary Connextions . Emerald Publishing, London, England.. ISBN ISBN : 1-80117-766-X ISBN : 9781801177672 |
Stevens, Frankie (2020) Blackened Audiotopia: Privatised Listening and Urban Experience. Metal Music Studies Journal, 6 (2). pp. 161-174. ISSN 2052-4005 Item availability may be restricted. |
Stevens, Frankie (2018) Defining Doom Through Women's Experience: Deterritorialising Doom Metal Signifiers. In: ISMMS/PSN Doing Metal, Being Punk,Doing Punk, Being Metal: Hybridity, Crossover and Difference in Punk and Metal Subcultures, 13-14 December 2018, De Montford University. |
Stevens, Frankie (2017) The Women of Doom: An Ethnographic Study of Women's Experience in Doom Metal. In: ICTM/SMI Annual Postgraduate Conference, 19-20 January 2018, University of Maynooth, Ireland.. |