Dialogues of Disorder; understanding obsessive compulsive disorder and self-injury through filmic projection.

Baugh, Tom (2020) Dialogues of Disorder; understanding obsessive compulsive disorder and self-injury through filmic projection. In: International Medical Humanities Conference, Limerick, 16 June 2021, Online. (Submitted)

[thumbnail of 562382059] Video
562382059 - Presentation

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[thumbnail of Film projection submitted to International Medical Humn] Video (Film projection submitted to International Medical Humn)
562383965 - Presentation

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Abstract / Summary

The film, “Dialogues of Disorder” is a collaboration between Dr. Thomas Baugh, artist researcher Karen Abadie and Livewell South West, NHS, Plymouth. This is a socially engaged artwork, working directly with sufferers of obsessive compulsive disorder [OCD] and self-injury [SI], which when screened, together with a paper, aims to unveil and support practical development of a new and different way of understanding both disorders, using filmic projection to do so. This project is set against a backdrop, which aims to help individuals understand their mental health experiences and enables them to make changes or accept how they are, by adopting the hypothesis that it is better to see ourselves as people with particular individual and shared human attributes, with strengths and weaknesses. The filmic projection “Dialogues of Disorder” and accompanying paper will explore how the narrative provided by two protagonists, can act as a mechanism to visualize the characteristics, which underpin both disorders, by interrogating the complicated and irregular strands of conscious behavior that affect OCD and SI. The screening will achieve this by reviewing experiences of dissociation and, how the embodied mind is affected, and shaped by internal and external perceptions, and in doing so, it aims to reveal detailed insight into how the protagonists consider their dispositions connected to both private and public spheres. The film will endeavour to provide new perspectives on how these disorders can be treated by health care professionals, by offering an audience a space to interpret these lived experiences using filmic techniques associated with projection, and narrative.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Subjects: Arts > Fine Art
Philosophy & Psychology
Courses by Department: The Falmouth School of Art > Fine Art
Depositing User: Tom Baugh
Date Deposited: 25 Oct 2021 09:21
Last Modified: 23 Nov 2023 18:24
URI: https://falmouth-test.eprints-hosting.org/id/eprint/4436


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